I was taken aback to discover yesterday, courtesy of the Western Mail, that the “Welsh are [the] top buyers of online erotica”.
The article said, “40.5% of residents in Cardiff and Swansea dabbled with buying porn on the Internet”. Well, I thought, it’s plainly a lot more interesting around here than I’d imagined. Conversely, maybe everybody is ‘dabbling with porn’ because it’s not.
Residents of Cardiff and Swansea apparently have a greater penchant for erotica than Glaswegians (37.5%), “Geordies” (36.4%) and “Brummies” (36.4%), according to the article.
That means two out of every five people you pass on the street in Cardiff or Swansea are at it on the Internet. It doesn’t bear imagining in most cases, does it? But if you take away young children, the aged and those without access to the Internet, it means we’re all at it.
“Crikey!” I said to myself, “Cardiff is the city of love. I wouldn’t have imagined that, not even in my wildest fantasies”.
Then reality dawned. This story is a wild fantasy either made-up, taken out of context, embellished or simply printed unquestioningly by the Western Mail. Why the paper needs to print this rubbish I have no idea, but the statistics it quotes from a commercial source don’t stack up for a minute.
Shame really.
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